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eXceem Forums

The eXceem forums are devoted to the concept of getting free gifts! The active and helpful community will answer any questions you may have although I would encourage you to use the search function first as your question may have already been answered.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q. What do I need to do?

A. After signing up you will have to complete an offer like LOVEFILM or Sky etc. after that you will have to refer people to do the same and after getting the required the amount of people you will receive your gift. You don't even have to pay for posting & packaging

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Q.Why would someone give me a Free Gift?

A. It's simple. When you sign up and complete an offer, the company pays FreebieJeebies for getting a customer, after referring people to do the same they will receive the money to get your gift and stilll get a profit.

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Q.Does the offer cost?

A. Not all of them. There are a few free ones. You are free to choose any offer you like however some offers require some money but £5 however that is a small price to pay for a PS3 or Iphone.

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Q.Which offer would you recommend?

A.Personnaly, I'd recommend the free ones, because they're free. But some of the free offers can take up to 14 days to credit. For UK residents I would recommend Coral or Gala Bingo, these credit within a couple of hours and on Coral you're initial deposit will be refunded once you have played through it. You might even making some money on there as well!

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Q.How do I get my own referrals?

Q.Tell your freinds, family, colleagues, etc. Send your referral link (found on the refer friends page, once you have signed up), to your contacts on MSN, your address book, MySpace, Facebook and briefly explain how this works. Soon you'll have all you need to get your free gift!

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Contact Me

If you have further questions, please feel free to email me